
I gotta admit, I put alot of work into this Valentine's Day.  Weeks ahead of time I planned all the dishes for a special Polish dinner for us (No, we're not Polish, but last time we had Polish it was great!).  I researched all the recipes, went on a special shopping trip for good ingredients.  Then yesterday I  cooked nonstop from 10:30am to 7pm, but I did it!  Dan, Eddy and I feasted over candlelight on Pierogies, Golumpkies, boiled potatoes with Dill, and the best Polish pound cake you've never seen! =)

By the end of the day, the end of the meal, the end of dessert, I was beginning to wonder whether Danny had anything in store for me at all.  Right when my anxiety began to rise noticeably, Danny disappeared upstairs and came back with a very large flat package wrapped in brown paper.  "Don't wreck the front," he said.  It was A foot-and-a-half wide and 3 FEET tall.  I carefully removed the paper to reveal a particle board artist's painting of a caricatured blues trumpet player! (pictures to come)

He said when he visited New Orleans on his way home from buying our car, he ran across a whole bunch of artists in progress on very New Orleans style pieces.  This artist sold his paintings for less because he put them on less expensive materials, such as particle board.  But they were just as good or better than half the other paintings for sale!  Wow!  With this, and my uncle's blues painting, I have the makings of the perfect music room!  My husband sure knows what I like!  A perfect surprise for a perfect Valentine's.

I hope your Valentine's was just as special.  Tell me about it!


, I recently got home from a road trip of reunions with the long lost, the distant, the loved, the missed, the in-law, and the long-distant.  It was a whirlwind of emotion and brief happinesses followed by contemplation and memories.  But I came home hungry again for my regular relationships.  I dove right in.

In one day I went from busy church congregation to my mentor to those I wish to serve, to long-time family friends.  Every relationship different in scope, in expectation, and in dynamics.  Without realizing it, I had thrown myself back into the whirlwind.  Home late, exhausted and anxious, I tried to sort everything out.  Who had I offended?  What had I learned?  How can I improve?  What do I need?  What do they need?  A good sleep and quietness healed what I thought to be impossible questions.  Amazing what a little introspection will do!

In the morning light, over a bowl of cereal, my mouth closed and my arms at my sides, I re-centered.  I remembered God.  I realized my primary relationship -- with or without all the others.  He told me of my acceptance with Him, no matter what happens with others.  He called me to love him so I can then love others again.

Centered on God, embarrassments and unknowns are inconsequential.  Only love God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.