
I've grown an appreciation for learning these last few days.

Learning is an activity that is often unpleasant while you do it, but usually satisfying afterward...that is, as long as what you're learning turns out to be true. I've enjoyed watching each new thing that Eddy learns. He got frustrated so many times trying to ride his tricycle, but he finally got it. He can successfully pedal uphill and down outside, WHILE steering the handlebars! It satisfies him. It makes him happy.

I've been learning a lot of things myself as well. I've learned things about my friends, and about friendship. I've learned things about God. I've learned that life goes on even when you're sick (I'm still working on that one). And recently I watched a movie, Skokie, that taught me that principles aren't always clearcut. We each just need to think for ourselves.  I've also learned that we don't know much about God. The more we think we have him figured out, the less we actually know about him. This is a great truth. I don't need to worry about becoming stagnant when I get old, after a lifetime of seeking God. He is bigger than that. There is always more to learn, infinitely more.

An older woman friend of mine said recently, "The woman I want to be is someone who never stops changing."


Kathy J said...

We learn as we go, sometimes just barely one step ahead of the day! Those are the GOOD days!!

PS I saw that movie too. I think about the story everytime I drive through Skokie, just north of Chicago. "Why can't we all just get along!?" ;) I hate when people impose their agendas and ambitions on others - by FORCE!!

Naomi Esther said...

That's cool that you get to go through Skokie! I gotta admit, I was with the lawyer most of that movie. The Nazis were despicable, but they weren't imposing anything by force. They were just planning to walk around for 20 minutes silently. Protecting their rights WAS protecting the Jews' rights. But I was also with the lawyer at the end, when he questioned whether he should've done it on account of all his fellow Jews ending up hating him.

There is no cut-and-dry!

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