quiet rainy day work

This week has been very cold and rainy.  Though this makes it hard on our business because weed killer doesn't work in the cold, it does provide a nice environment for finances.  This is the last day Eddy will spend time at the babysitter's, so I am tucked in my little corner of kitchen, at my beautifully large desk, surrounded by papers and speakers and windows, typing transactions (and this blog, of course).

Cold dark weather also freezes the flow of phone calls, freeing up the sound pool for other, more delightful waves.  Pandora has been my companion this week. It has changed along with my moods from techno to progressive electrica house to kids radio to exotica/lounge to newsboys to motown.  Then there's my own personal reflective mix which I like to call, Rainyday radio.  And when I get tired of music, there's always Adventures in Odyssey!

The pleasures of solitude, quiet, numbers, and organization combine in my final real day of work this spring.  After this my office will fit into the margins of my life, squeezed around cleaning and gardening and helping Eddy and bikerides to the park and cooking and travel.  So I will cherish these moments and cherish the change to come.


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