
I got to meet new baby Whitaker!  Hooray!  I love the littleness and tininess, the sleepiness and wrinkliness.  He has a little baby cry, and eyes that are not even used to the light yet!  Life is so hard to figure out for a newborn.  I love being the first sibling to meet him, and getting to help his mommy (Eddy's Aunty Nicki) out in this unique time.  Neighbors stop by all the time to see the baby and ask how everything went.  What a privilege to visit right after the baby comes home from the hospital.  There's nothing as special.

Come and meet the new tiny man who just discovered there's a larger world out there: that of mommy's and daddy's house.  Congratulations brother Sam!  Congratulations Nicki!  Your family loves you, and loves the new little baby nephew, cousin, and grandson.  So much potential all wrapped up in one little guy.


Kathy J said...

Yes Yes Yes, so much love and support for these little babies!! Yay!!! So sweet.

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