
I don't know anyone who doesn't have a creative streak.  It is one thing I can somehow find in common with everyone I talk to, though sometimes they don't think so at first =)

Yesterday I had a coffee date with a friend at the McDonald's playplace to catch up.  We have completely different jobs, different family and in-law situations, we are both married, but we have completely different ideas about kids and adventure, and several other things.  But she is a great, compassionate girl that I admire a lot and really appreciate having as a friend (even with all our differences).

She asked me how I was doing, and, in typical Nomie style I talked nonstop for the next 5 minutes.  I told her about the family and work, then went into all the exciting (but not always longlived) crazy plans and ideas I had of things to create -- from painting to woodworking to music to words, etc. Then I asked her what she was doing for fun.  She answered, "Reading."

I love to read, too, but I knew there was more that made her grin than other people's masterpieces.  A few minutes later I found it.  She was talking about their spare room, and she mentioned it was the last one to decorate, then she'd be done with the house.  She was relishing in the idea of choosing the style and decorations, and moving other items from elsewhere into that room.  She was actually sad to be done with the house, "All I'll have to do after this is redecorate.  That's not nearly as fun to think about."

So, the master creator came out at last.  And that's only in the visual sense.  We didn't even get to all the heart transforming conversations, lessons, small group plans, music schedules, and events she plans for the highschoolers!  Now that's something I've never done!

God created us all to be an image of him.  Did you think he'd leave out the creativity aspect in that? Hardly! Celebrate the creator in you, and share God's beauty =D


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