Blogger Templates

I've done a lot of searching for a nice template (thank you, Kara, for your excellent advice), and I found out there are a whole lot of crummy templates out there. You think you've found the most beautiful one and it turns out to be one giant image with their title embedded into it with no way to change it and no way out =) Thank goodness for thorough template sites with comments to warn of the dangers to come...and to assure safety for the well-made templates!

Here it is! What do you think?


Kathy J said...

Well....I LOVE the flowers, but where are the deep rich greens and luscious reds and penetrating blues and bright shiny yellows!!?? =)

Kara said...

I like this one :-).

One tip about fixing blog templates - if you find one that you really like but just want to fix a few things about (and you're feeling adventurous) you can dive into the html code.

It's really not that hard. For example, if the template has a title embedded in the code, just hit "Ctrl+F" for the page search box, and then type in whatever the current template title is. The search will find the place in the code, and then you can just replace it with yours. Once you familiarize yourself a little with how html works you can tweak a lot of things, like colors and fonts very easily. Of course, it is a little bit of a headache getting there.

Naomi Esther said...

Thank you, yes, I like working with html as well. And actually I tried what you suggested, but unfortunately the titles on the page I had were not just embedded in the html code. They were part of the image (makes me wonder how much experience the person making it had, hmm). Oh well, I like the way my blog looks now anyway, so I'm resolving to have no regrets and be happy for what I have =) Thank you for all your help in finding one, by the way! I was lost before I read your blog about it.

Happiness is... GOOD templates!

Lukas VanDyke said...

i liked the one that was up the other day with the buttons.... But I only saw it for a minute on my iphone. But this one is nice also. =)

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