
Do you have people who will get together with you with absolutely no notice and help you bake 1500 cookies? I love community!

Seeing the same people once a week to open up, learn from and help each other spiritually is so live giving! But what's more is calling or seeing those same people between meetings to have fun, hang out, eat with, share encouragement and share HELP in every realm of life. Yesterday the bulk of my baking was done (in someone else's kitchen) while giving Eddy an enjoyable change of scenery and faces, and giving me the kind of personal conversation and encouragement I need so much during stressful seasons (using that word in the most literal sense). And I don't know, but I think my friends were blessed in being able to help and sharing in the camaraderie as well.

Thank you, Lord, for everyday relationships! Let them always be there!


Lukas VanDyke said...

I want a cookie!!!!

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