a new sister

I have a new sister. Her name is Suzy.  She's 23.  My brother loves her a lot.

She's southern, you know, with reddish hair, freckles, and a big pretty smile.  She likes writing stories and songs.  She's sunshine when she walks in, playful with little boys, helpful with dinner, and caring. She uses funny southern words and makes funny southern faces...though she claims to be long removed from the south. Her family is different than ours. For one thing, they're southern. But there are others. Fun things to learn, funny stories to hear.

Suzy lives in a colorful house, in a warm state, with a very happy husband. She loves her black cat...and yellow...and high school ministry, with sleepovers! She has lots of pictures and a special piano. And entertains hundreds of guests in their little house with a pool.  She thirsts after God.

My brother came to visit me. My new sister Suzy came too.  We adventured. We drove. We strolled through Wisconsin, and cruised Minnesota. She'd never been. It was new. We had fun. My little Eddy loves Auntie "Suthy". They snuggle and play. My new sister taught me many new things...we conversed, debated, compared, related, bonded, shared, understood, and prayed. Our friendship grew.

I have a new sister. Her name is Suzy. I love her a lot.


Lukas said...

I sure do like my Suzal!

Suzy VanDyke said...

Sister Nomie! You are too kind. I so enjoyed getting to know my new sister, too. Thank you for taking me traversing around the countryside, showing me new sights, talking about God, ideas, laughing, listening, and challenging me. I too, loved our conversation. Spending time with you was more of an encouragement than I can say. I love you too! ~Your new sister

Eeyore said...

We're not southern!

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