toddler theatre

I've been told Eddy is exceptionally good at language for his age.  But lately that skill seems to be combining with a childish creativity into a bit of a phenomenon.  Most kids his age like to pretend to be animals and such and talk for their toys, as Eddy does.  But now he's becoming quite a storyteller, taking topics of the day and dramatizing them into adventure stories acted out entirely by him (complete with bad guy voices, damsel in distress voices, gramma voices, etc.).  He even comes up with characters I've never heard of, as in his "Michael and Daddy" series this morning (he was pretending to read these stories out of my Bible).

I don't know if this signals an adulthood bent or if it's a phase unique to this time in our family life.  But either way, it's fun.  Feel free to come by and experience the Eddy Hobbs Toddler Theatre soon!




Suzy VanDyke said...

Haha! Headshots of Eddy! Love it!

Kathy J said...

That's amazing, I can't wait to get "HOME" and listen to his stories! interesting

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