A Garden Update

I have had the pleasure of growing a full garden this spring and summer.  Now we are reaping the benefits of many of the vegetables we planted, after a lot of weeding when I got home from California.  Check out the delightful surprises waiting for me when I got home, as well as the transformation from jungle to garden again, today =)

Here's to yummy, healthy, efficient, GREEN and old-fasioned dinners!  Here's to gardens.
We got home to a homestead surrounded by mature weeds and tall grasses waving in the wind.  But when I dug around a while to find my mound vines, I was shocked to discover 3 and 4 foot zuchinni and huge cucumbers just waiting to be picked.  Eddy instantly fell in love with cucumbers and we feasted in our harvest celebration.
 The corn had shot up several feet in the couple weeks we were gone... 

...there were big green tomatoes weighing down the tomato plants...
...the peppers were just right...

...all the chives were knee-high!
...and the potato plants were in full bloom.
We also apparently had a garden friend.  I found him a new home.
Our house garden when I got home...
Ever more green peppers for the picking.
Now that the weeds no longer block out the sun, my asparagus have started to grow!
My carrots are big and bushy.
My tomatoes are Oh so close to being ready! I can't wait (p.s. they have more green leaves than shown, but they did get some disease because I found some mature cherry tomato plants that I did not grow, and let them grow with my tomatoes and, well, give them diseases.  Never again! Thankfully the fruit is not harmed.)
And there are new cucumbers every day!
Our beloved herb garden with all our favorite flavors.

Once I located the cantaloupe plants in between 5-foot weeds, I was somehow able to pull everything out and keep them in, and now they are actually growing!  See all the blossoms that are soon to be melons?
One of the ever faithful and productive zuchinni plants.  They never let the weeds beat them!
And my beautiful watermelon vines that I'm so pleased to announce have filled out and taken full advantage of their territory, also replete with blossoms.  It's only a matter of weeks now =)
Sadly, all the onions tipped over when they no longer had weeds to hold them up, and many are dying and having to be harvested early.  But they're still very tasty.  Eddy was proud of being able to harvest one all by himself.

Happy gardening!


Kathy J said...

Nomi Your garden is amazing!! Wow...so much work, but, in the end you have ended up with so much beautiful produce! Congratulations!!

melanie large said...

Hard work is really the best thing when you are in gardening. All of your veggies are doing well and as I can see in your photos they are also happy with your caring. I am jealous of your spacey and greenly healthy garden.

Naomi Esther said...

Thank you and yes, I have found that to be so. And I am so thankful for the large space and fertility of our soil. However, I'm finding out hard work isn't everything. I'm learning so much garden smarts this year! My carrots are twisty and stubbed and my onions were stunted because our soil is clay instead of sand. My tomatoes got early blight because I didn't realize tomatoes grew there last year and spread the fungus to the weeds that touched my vines over my vacation. A storm damaged tree knocked down part of our fence, letting a raccoon feast on my almost-ready corn. And I forgot to trim my Cilantro, so it went to seed and died.

I'm so happy to have such a nice place to learn in, and to still have a boatload of produce to eat! I'm excited to see the improvement next year. Thanks for your note!

rose plated said...

Hard work and determination is everything. If gardening became your hobby then I will surely that you will be successful at it. Your garden is really wonderful. Everything is perfect especially the tomatoes and the zucchini.

isabella bear said...

What a wonderful garden you have. It seems that you have all the best veggies in your town right now. Lol. I really love your big green peppers. Your herb garden is awesome. It is a great idea to separate the vegetables garden from the herb garden.

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