a new life

We did it!  We're free!  The latter half of this week has felt like chains were falling off and our minds were gradually releasing all that stress we kept up there to prepare for another season of drudgery.  But this year is different.  On with life, on with future, on with family.  The next several months will be a lot of business transitioning, but since Dan, has he put it, will be "partially unemployed," I think our family will have a good chance to breathe and regroup.  Then comes fall semester!  No telling where we'll end up, but we're working on that one, too.

After years of waiting and working, we couldn't be happier.  Kinda feels like a different kind of graduation.  We fulfilled our responsibilities, we learned a ton, and now we have the opportunity to take our lessons in the direction we've been longing for, take them to the next level, and dive into more directed studies.

Whatever we do will be a grand adventure at this point!


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