1,120 Days of Marriage!

Okay, so I'm kinda being a copycat (lukasvandyke.com) but my brother had a good idea (and can I help it if I'm 1,000 days ahead of him?). His celebrating 120 years of marriage will probably be written off by most as the natural action of a newlywed, but why can't we oldlyweds be just as celebratory?

So, in the spirit of randomness and love, I'm committing to celebrating this day of marriage in the most elaborate and caring way I can on such short notice =)

I hope I can make your day so much brighter and smoother, Danny. Thank you for always being there for me, and for all you provide for our family.

I'll start by doing the dishes...then perhaps make some much-coveted egg bagels (yum!)...
Tonight is a little sketchy because of a possible group nightskiing outing so I'll just play that by ear...There's sure to be some fun on the spur of the moment...

Thank you, Lukas & Suzy, for being so in love and proud of it. You remind me of just how good I have it. And to the rest of you married folks, show some spontaneity and rejoice in the time you have together!


Kathy J said...


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