Knowing People

I love randomly seeing familiar faces and hearing from friends! After a later-than-usual swim at the Y today I noticed someone on the treadmill and I did a double-take. Amanda? And indeed it was. We had a pleasant and unexpected chat at a place where I very rarely see people I know. Apparently our workout schedules are inconsistent enough that even though we come often, we'd never seen each other there.

I picked up Eddy from childcare and we went off to buy groceries. I fumbled in the car a few moments, then got out to help him out of his seat. In the corner of my eye I spotted an older looking man staring at us (kinda freaked me out). Out of motherly protection I glanced over and, oh! Dad! We hadn't seen each other for a couple months, but he just happened to be driving by and saw me pull into the parking lot. We strolled the aisles a few minutes catching up before he had to get back to his day.

I decided to cancel my other errands when the weather started turning bad, and Eddy and I hauled our groceries home. I picked up the mail at the mailbox, then drove in. Since Eddy was fast asleep by this time I decided to peruse the mail before going in. A letter addressed to me from an unfamiliar name in Chippewa Falls. Was it an advertisement? A baby shower! An old friend who'd long moved away was being thrown a baby shower by her mother-in-law right in town! I can't wait!

These winters can SEEM isolating, but it's only an illusion. Good to know there really are loved ones all around.


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